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Emergency Management

Emergency Management Director

  • Brad Salzmann
  • 802-282-3736
  • Email
Emergency Management Coordinator

  • Jen Harris


The Royalton Emergency Management and Shelter Team meets regularly to discuss, plan, prepare, and review past and potential emergency events and disasters. We are required to update and submit our Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) each Spring. This is a requirement to be eligible for state and federal assistance. We also participate in updating the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) every 5 years. This plan lists and evaluates potential hazards and rates how they would impact the town. From that plan, we work on efforts to mitigate (reduce or eliminate) the impacts.

The Emergency Shelter Team prepares, maintains, and staffs our emergency shelters in the event one is needed. We have activated and opened shelters twice in 2023.

We are always looking for volunteers. No specific training, experience, or obligations are required. Feel free to contact the Emergency Management Director or the Town Administrator if interested.

Vermont Alert

VT-ALERT is the state system that notifies Vermonters of emergency situations, weather alerts, road information, and more.  Register for a free account at In the event of an emergency, the Town will utilize VT Alert to provide you with important information. 

Thunder, Lightning, Power Outage, and Generator Safety

Thunder and Lightning

Thunder is produced by the shockwave of a lightning bolt as it instantly heats the surrounding air to about 50,000 degrees f. If you hear thunder, there is lightning.

  • When you hear thunder, even if it’s not raining and you can’t see lightning, go indoors (best) or a (hard top) vehicle. Remember, “If it Roars-Go Indoors” Getting under a tree, or other tall object is not safe and stay out of water.
  • Rough rule of thumb, count the number of seconds between seeing lightning and hearing the thunder, divide by 5, that equals the number of miles away the lightning strike was. Thunderstorms can travel very, very quickly, so even if it’s several miles away, you may not be safe.
  • Stay indoors for 30 minutes after the last thunder you hear.
  • About 30 people/year are killed by lightning in the United States, including in Vermont.
  • Lightning can (and often does) strike in the same place twice.
  • Prepare for strong winds, fire, and/or potential flash flooding.


Power Outage      

Prepare for potential power outage by making sure flashlights are handy and work, fill pails, bottles, and bathtub with water. Have food that can be prepared and eaten without heating if your stove and oven need electricity.

  • Charge cell phones and other electronic devices ahead of time. Unplug anything you can, to protect from surge.
  • If you use candles or lanterns, monitor them to avoid fire. Chemical light sticks are safe and handy to use for low level lighting in bathrooms, hallways, and other rooms and last for hours. Headlamps are also handy, as they leave your hands free.
  • If the power goes out, do NOT touch or drive over any downed wires, or branches touching wires; they can still be energized. Treat all wires as if they are live.
  • Turn off lights, non-essential appliances, radios, TVs, etc. Unplug anything you can to avoid sudden high demand when the power is restored, as everything will start at once.
  • Have a battery powered radio to listen for weather updates.
  • Do not use grills or camp stoves indoors to cook on, or unvented kerosine heaters or gas ranges to heat with.
  • Limit refrigerator and freezer access to prolong food storage.
  • Check in with elderly or vulnerable neighbors.

Generator Safety

If you use a generator for backup power, make sure it is outside and exhaust is pointed away from windows and doors. Gas, diesel, and propane generators, propane and charcoal grills, camp stoves, unvented gas ranges, and kerosine heaters produce carbon monoxide, an invisible, odorless, deadly gas that, unfortunately, kills many every year.

  • Best to use high octane, alcohol-free fuel for gas generators. Store fuel away from generators. When refueling your generator, shut it down and let it cool first; do not refill while it is running or hot.
  • Do not plug a generator into an outlet; that can back feed a utility line and injure utility workers trying to restore your power.
  • A standard portable generator will not be powerful enough to run an entire household; plug in only what is essential and use heavy duty extension cords.

When power is restored, and the storm has passed, service your generator, refuel with stabilized fuel and test it periodically.  

Restock for the next time; there will be a next time…


Vermont 211 is a great way to find information everyday, and is also helpful in an emergency. Visit or dial 211 from any phone and an operator will assist you. If Royalton has opened their emergency shelter, 211 will be aware of the availability.  


A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:

  • Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
  • Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
  • Flashlight and extra batteries (headlamps and light sticks work well)
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
  • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
  • Manual can opener for food
  • Local maps
  • Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger
  • Towel, extra socks, hat and gloves

Anyone interested in participating in emergency management planning or emergency shelter volunteering, please contact Brad Salzmann